Course Learning Outcome #1

“Acknowledge your and others’ range of linguistic differences as resources, and draw on those resources to develop rhetorical sensibility.”
Being able to gain different linguistic perspectives can benefit you and your group members perspectives. Being exposed to different ideas can lead to new and more efficient ideas. There are different kinds of engineers in this world. Being able to talk to people that are from different career paths gives you perspective in this course not just academically, but can also benefit your social skills.Being able to understand the different engineering jobs can lead to better ideas that would be able to benefit all of these jobs.
In every assignment, there was always a reason for group work. Whether it be making a decision for what topic to write about on an assignment to reviewing each other’s writing. A good example of this was the technical proposal. The amount of group work and communication in this project was more than any other project we had to do. Ironically, it was more stress relieving compared to all the other assignments because everyone was entitled to a certain job that they had to do. Doing some of the writing assignments alone can get exhausting. Communication was key because we spread out the work between the group members. We needed to make sure people were doing their jobs for all of us to get the grade we wanted. After the assignment we had peer review. The peer review would help us look for what was lacking in our writing. The peer review promoted a sense of respect for each other that would ultimately help all of us in the end.

Figure 1: Peer review for Lab Report.