“Enhance strategies for reading, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment.”
English 210 improved my skills for reading, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment. These skills had to be constantly working since the first day of class because a lot of the end of the semester work had some call backs to the start of the semester. We did not learn new skills, we were just constantly honing them until we got better and better at writing these assignments. The first writing assignment we had was my worst writing this semester. That is because I used what worked for me in high school. I knew I had to change and improve my writing to reach the level of college writing.
The textbook and strategies helped me in editing my work. As my writing got better and my grades were getting higher, I started to focus more on revising my essay to reach even higher standards. As time went on I knew what to write before I could even get a chance to make a revision. Throughout the countless assignments we did I started to improve. Comparing my first assignment(the memo) to the last assignment (the technical proposal) is noticeably different and I can see how I improved.
Figure 2: First memo assignment
Figure 3: Memo in technical proposal
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