
Audience: the recipient of the information. They can hear, and see the different information that affects them personally through different media.

The audience changes the content and purpose of the assignment. In most of these major assignments we made audience analysis to understand more about what kind of audience we are writing for. The main point is to have a target audience, which is who you are specifically targeting. Demographics are important to the audience. You need to know who and what the people you are targeting are going through.

The image below is an audience analysis sheet. This shows that if you do not understand the audience, it can lead to a paper that will not have a target audience. A good paper would dive deeper into finding a target audience, rather than a mediocre paper who does not specify the target audience. This is very important because you do not want to offend specific people or not make your point clear enough. Having a target audience allows for a more focused objective in your writing.

Figure 11: Audience analysis sheet